Projecting Change UN Drone Show

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On the evening of Friday Sept 15th, Projecting Change @projecting.change and partners launched the first drone show of its kind, with 1000 drones – lighting up the NYC sky above the UN Building with a series of shows designed to inspire, educate, unify, and activate our local and global collective around the climate crisis, protecting the Amazon and other important environmental campaigns.

This coincided with the 78th United Nations General Assembly and the UN – Secretary-General’s Climate Ambition Summit and SDG Summit, sending a strong message to world leaders – and served as a kick-off for Climate Week.

The show was developed with the support of partners Nova Sky Stories @novaskystories, Avaaz @avaaz_org, Eat Differently @eatlikeanicon, Fortescue, Ford Foundation @fordfoundation, PVBLIC Foundation @pvblicf, Oceanic Preservation Society @oceanicpreservationsociety, TMRW, Holtzman Wildlife @holtzmanwildlifefoundation, Minds Over Matter, Soren West @sorenweststudios, Alok Institute @institutoalok, HELO @wearehelo and Amazon Watch @amazonwatch, 4H5H MEDIA @4H5HMEDIA, Georgi Tushev/TushevsAerials @tushevsaerials

ATOMIC’s Production Services team was thrilled to work alongside the @sorenweststudios team on this spectacular event! 🚀

[All @ names are for Instagram handles of the partners on the project].

#projectingchange #nydroneshow #climatecourage #protectheamazon #thefutureisancestral #breakupwithfossilfuels #dolookup #artivism