Darth Vader's rugged candy-coated shell meets sleek Spiderman swagger in our super-tuff, super-cool Web.
Easy up, easy down, this modular is versatile, flexible and adaptable. Go ahead, build it your way – in, out, or mix it up with alternating squares, rows or columns – it’s totally your call. Mix and match with any of our SuperLever products. Front light, back light, you’ll be amazed at how well shape and color transform this product!
- Front Light
- Back Light
- Up Light
- Projection/Video
- Projection/Gobo
Las Vegas, NV
Suites 100-105
Las Vegas, NV 89120
Size: (H x W x D)
22.5″ x 22.5″ x 6″
572 mm x 572 mm x 152 mm
30 minutes for 1 person to assemble a 20′ x 20′ backdrop