ATOMIC at ILEA Live in Calgary

Buckle SuperArch with custom CNC panels

NEW un-panel SuperWall

Ready to learn? We loved leading a workshop at ILEA Live!

Getting the group up and moving right away with a fierce Rock Paper Scissor competition

Rob Barber leading the Design Thinking workshop

Prototype and test...those paper airplanes

Rob Barber checking out one of the spaghetti towers in the group challenge

Our friends at Invert720 Productions Inc working hard on the group challenge

Invert720 Productions Inc building their spaghetti tower in the Design Thinking workshop at ILEA Live

The WINNERS of the spaghetti tower challenge! Congrats!

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ATOMIC was stoked to sponsor ILEA Live in Calgary, Alberta Canada!


Our Top 3 Reasons for sponsoring/attending:

1) Attend Rob Barber’s workshop on Friday morning, August 11th to learn about design thinking and participate in fun interactive challenges!

2) Hang with the ATOMIC peeps and the Invert720 crew – ATOMIC Rental Solutions’ official Canadian partner

3) Party at the Esprit Awards – ATOMIC is honored to be nominated for Best ILEA Team Effort!

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